Calle Tepeyahualco 26. Colonia La Paz
72160 Puebla. - Mexico
T: +52 (222) 230 1893
Closed now
Pol. Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun. Gipuzkoa - España
T: 943.373.011
F: 943.371.001
Closed now
Delegation Araba
T: 945.285.089
F: 945.285.930
Closed now
Delegation Bizkaia
T: 946.009.043
F: 946.009.053
Closed now
Delegation Navarra
T: 948.249.051
Closed now
Delegation Valladolid
T: 983.500.964
F: 983.500.971
Closed now
Pol. Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun. Gipuzkoa - España
T: 943.491.788
F: 943.371.001
Closed now
Pol. Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun. Gipuzkoa - España
T: 943.815.243
Closed now
%Nombre de la empresa %Empresa realizó la siguiente consulta:
Datos de la maquina:
Modelo: %Modelo
Marca: %Marca
Num. Serie: %NS
Su email es: %email
Su teléfono es: %Telefono
Grupo Pegamo
Polígono Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun | Guipuzkoa - Spain
T: +34 943 373 011 | F: +34 943 371 001
Below we show a list of the current offers the brands that we distribute. You can download the file in PDF format with the offers offered by each brand.
If you are interested in any product or wish to receive additional information you can contact us in the following ways:
Call us: 943 491 788
Or fill in contact form < / A> indicating the reference of the product and its consultation.