- Do I have to do preventive maintenance on forklifts, both fuel and electric?
SI, it is obligatory according to Law Royal Decree Nº 1215/1997, article 3
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SI, it is obligatory according to Law Royal Decree Nº 1215/1997, article 3
In forklifts with a fuel motor every 250 hours of work or once a year but this number of hours is reached.
In electric trucks every 300 hours of work or once a year but this number is reached to work of hours.
It is mandatory to use electric forklifts in all types of industries in which products related to or derived from food are handled, for both people and animals (slaughterhouses, hams dryers, feed and phytosanitary warehouses, etc.) As well as ships where ventilation is poor.
The type of covers or tires obligatory according to Law are the ecological, anti-finger targets.
- flashing light signal (Rotating beacon)
- .. Reverse acoustic warning panel
-. Seat belt on the driver's seat
- mirrors on both sides of the roof in the electric machines, as well as the loading room battery with adequate ventilation. All safety functions must be approved.